04 December 2009

The 'birther' Movement

In an interview with conservative radio host Rusty Humphries, Sarah Palin was asked whether she plans to make the "birther" conspiracy, the idea that President Barack Obama is not an United States citizen, an issue in any future campaigns. Palin said she did not plan to personally make it an issue, but also stated she believes it is still a question among many groups. She goes on, saying these assumptions are "fair game" and notes the similarities between this conspiracy and the "weird conspiracy theory freaky thing" that Trig is not her actual son.

Reporters quickly responded to Palin's comments. In an Opinion piece, Paul Thorton of the Los Angeles Times asks, "Is the fact that Palin uttered something so nutty really surprising?" He than indirectly calls Palin "small-minded". Thorton Paul. "Sarah Palin's 'birther' flirtation: least surprising news today." Los Angeles Times. 04 Dec. 2009.

The Huffington Post also reported on the story, but did not make any analysis. The article included most of the interview's transcript, as well as evidence from FactCheck.org that Obama is an United States citizen. They also included Palin's response, which she posted on her Facebook page after the interview. "Sarah Palin Goes 'Birther': Obama Birth Certificate 'A Fair Question'. The Huffington Post. 04 Dec. 2009.

In the Facebook post, Palin wrote that "at no point - not during the campaign, and not during recent interviews – have I asked the president to produce his birth certificate or suggested that he was not born in the United States." Palin Sarah. "Stupid Conspiracies." Facebook. 03 Dec. 2009.

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