03 December 2009

And the final verdict is??

The Huffington Post analyzes the different voices in the latest Afghanistan withdrawal statement from the Obama administration. The statements made by various politicians seem to be confusing.


For example:
"So it is not contradictory to set a date certain, yet to condition it on the reality that we confront at that time." - as quoted by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

If the government sets a date for withdrawal, they are implying the war will be over regardless of circumstances. If the government claims a withdrawal of troops depends on conditions in Afghanistan, then exactly how is Obama's claim making headline news? If the United States will continue sending troops and money, and continue fighting as long as needed to win the war, then it seems the main factor in withdrawal is success, not time. And if this is the case, how is this policy different from what was already happening (assuming that the administration was always attempting to win the war in a timely manner)?

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