24 October 2010

Welcome Back, Rose Associates!

As of Oct. 22, CW Capital announced that Rose Associates would take over the property management of Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village. Rose Associates managed the property for over three years when it was owned by MetLife, so both officials and tenants feel hopeful that they will be able to maintain the complex successfully.
The property was previously being managed by Tishman-Speyer, even though they defaulted on the mortgage of ST/PCV in January. Now that the question of the physical upkeep of the buildings and grounds is answered, everyone can focus on the large question: what should be done with all these dogs?

Ps. Just kidding of course. The main issue will be the property's upcoming foreclosure sale (and by "upcoming" I mean "three-times-delayed"). Still, some residents would have you believe that the issue of dogs running around in the grass is still more important.

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